The meeting was attended by at least 40 faculty from the five departments. The program started with opening remarks delivered by the Head of the Teacher Education Department, Dr. Beatrice D. Mabitad.

The main agenda for the morning session was the review of CHED Memorandum Orders (CMOs) and EVSU’s guidelines for the GE courses. In addition, the importance of GenEd was emphasized by the GenEd Coordinator, Mrs. Georgina M. Orbeta, by presenting the outcomes required by the CMOs and echoing the salient points from UP Diliman’s Linangan Webinar for GE courses.

The afternoon session was focused on discussions on the revised syllabi, sharing of resources and initial plans for the departmental exams for each course. Each course was assigned to separate spaces for their in-depth consultations and plans.

It was indeed a successful and interactive meeting.

The GenEd faculty will meet again for the second part of the training workshop on September 21 which will be another meaningful discussion about the UPD’s Linangan webinars specific content areas, revision of syllabi and crafting of the departmental exams.