The students from different academic departments gathered for the second day of the University Students’ Welcome Activity and Gathering on September 4, 2024, at the EVSU-OC covered court.
The orientation started with the introduction of the faculty and staff of each department. Each department head briefly discussed the real body of their chosen field and how the program they chose will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills. After the brief discussion of the chosen field, the department heads introduced their faculty and staff to truly recognize the instructor and professor of the freshmen students.
Moreover, Dr. Joergen T. Arradaza Jr., Head of the Students Affairs and Services Office (SASO), attentively discussed what is the purpose of SASO and what is the concern of SASO. He discussed that SASO is the academic support of the students that helps students attain holistic student development. That academic support is those that relate to student welfare and student development and those that relate to institutional programs and services.
Additionally, Ms. Phoebe Pearl L. Montanejos, LPT, discussed the function and duties of a registrar; she also emphasized how the grading system works. The orientation enlightened the students about EVSU, equipping them with necessary knowledge and skills.