Gender and Development Youth Coordinators serve as catalysts for change within the campus and beyond. Through collective leadership, dedication, and passion for social justice, they inspire their peers to become agents of positive transformation. By fostering a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and activism, the organization empowers students to contribute to the creation of a safer, more equitable society.
The Gender and Development Youth Coordinators are committed to upholding the values of integrity, respect, and solidarity in all aspects of their work. It recognizes the importance of collaboration and partnership in achieving its goals and actively seeks opportunities to engage with other stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community groups.
With a vision of proactive leadership and a mission to provide students with opportunities for active involvement in promoting gender equality, empowerment, and responsiveness to gender issues, the organization is dedicated to making meaningful strides toward a safer Philippines. It aims to develop students' understanding and appreciation of gender and development programs, promote awareness of gender issues and anti-human trafficking campaigns, and ultimately contribute to building a society where every individual can thrive regardless of gender. Through its initiatives and advocacy efforts, the organization strives to create lasting change and leave a positive impact on the communities it serves.
Pro-active leaders equipped with knowledge and skills in mobilizing the youth towards a safer Philippines imbued with positive attitude and perseverance in the attainment of its goals.
Provide students the opportunity for an active involvement in promoting Gender Equality. Gender Empowerment, and Gender Issue Responsiveness through actively participating in advocacies such as Anti-Human Trafficking Campaign and other related endeavors.
- To develop students understanding, knowledge, and appreciation of the Gender and Development Programs of the University
- To promote awareness of Gender Issues and Anti-Human Trafficking Campaigns in the University
- To promote cooperation, unity, and camaderie among its members in carrying out projects and activities needed for the attaintment of its goals.