To develop competent Chemical Engineers that serves the society and contributes for the sustainable development through high quality education in the field of chemical engineering.
The Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering of Eastern Visayas State University, after five years of graduation shall:
PEO1. Succeed in the practice of chemical engineering or in advanced studies in engineering, scientific, or complementary discipline;
PEO2. assume leadership roles in industry and/or in technological fields;
PEO3. contribute to the socio-economic environment of their communities; and (4) further develop career skills through life-long learning.
- Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve electrical engineering problems.
- Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and inter-pret data.
- Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustaina-bility, in accordance with standards.
- Function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
- Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
- Understand professional and ethical responsibility.
- Ability to communicate effectively.
- Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineer-ing solutions in a global, economic environmental, and societal context.
- Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
- Knowledge of the contemporary issues.
- Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering.
- Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.