Produce Versatile managers with exceptional job intelligence and positive work habits that are supportive to local and national development.
Develop Management Studies committed in providing high-quality higher education and training in business and management disciplines to prepare graduates in becoming globally competitive managers and professionals.
- To produce competent, technically talented, and highly competitive graduates who are capable of leading and pursuing businesses that are responsive to societal requirements.
- To develop competency (knowledge, skills and attitude) necessary to perform required task, manage and operate effectively, efficiently and profitability, the different enterprises in the various sectors comprising the tourism industry.
- To develop different competence in a variety of operational aspects within the hospitality industry.
- To establish close ties with the community in which knowledge is openly exchanged.
- Encourage the national, regional, and global environments to respond to the demands of their surroundings.
- To improve and operationalize the faculty and student development program.